Doxycycline Hyclate

Tlhaloso e Khutšoanyane:

Lebitso la API Pontsho Tlhaloso US DMF EU DMF CEP
Doxycycline Hyclate Lithibela-mafu USP/EP 13771  

Lintlha tsa Sehlahisoa

Li-tag tsa Sehlahisoa


Ka morao

Doxycycline hyclate ke lithibela-mafu [1].

Doxycycline hyclate e tsoa ho tetracycline 'me e na le mesebetsi ea anti-inflammatory le antimicrobial. Doxycycline e thibela ho ikatisa ha kokoana-hloko ea dengue in vitro ka mokhoa o itšetlehileng ka mocheso. Boleng ba IC50 ke 52.3μM ho 37°C le 26.7μM ho 40°C. E thibela kokoana-hloko ea dengue ka ho thibela NS2B-NS3 serine protease ea kokoana-hloko. 60μM doxycycline e fokotsa CPE ea lisele tse nang le tšoaetso ea DNEV2 [1].

Doxycycline e fumanoa e le inhibitor ea MMP. Kalafo ea Doxycycline e fokotsa maemo a MMP-8 le -9 mme e thibela ho hlahisa lithane tsa MMP-2 le MMP-9. Ho feta moo, kalafo ka doxycycline e fokotsa haholo liketsahalo tsa li-aneurysms tsa intracranial. Ho boetse ho tlalehoa hore Doxycycline ke moemeli o khahlanong le ho ruruha ho itšetlehile ka ho thibela matrix metalloproteinases. Ho phaella moo, doxycycline e na le ts'ebetso e matla ea antimalarial e nang le IC50 bohlokoa ba 320nM ho 96h in vitro [2, 3].

[1] Rothan HA, Mohamed Z, Paydar M, Rahman NA, Yusof R. Tšusumetso e thibelang ea doxycycline khahlanong le ho pheta-pheta ha kokoana-hloko ea dengue in vitro. Arch Virol. 2014 Apr;159(4):711-8.
[2] Maradni A, Khoshnevisan A, Mousavi SH, Emamirazavi SH, Noruzijavidan A. Karolo ea matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs) le MMP inhibitors ka li-aneurysms tsa intracranial: sehlooho sa tlhahlobo. Med J Islam Repub Iran. 2013 Nov;27(4):249-254.
[3] Draper MP, Bhatia B, Assefa H, Honeyman L, Garrity-Ryan LK, Verma AK, Gut J, Larson K, Donatelli J, Macone A, Klausner K, Leahy RG, Odinecs A, Ohemeng K, Rosenthal PJ, Nelson ML. In vitro le in vivo antimalarial efficacies ea optimized tetracyclines. Antimicrob Agents Chemother. 2013 Jul;57(7):3131-6.


Doxycycline (hyclate) (Doxycycline hydrochloride hemiethanolate hemihydrate), sethibela-mafu, ke inhibitor e sebetsang ka molomo le e pharaletseng ea metalloproteinase (MMP) [1].

Teko ea Tleliniki

Nomoro ea NCT Motšehetsi Boemo Letsatsi la qalo


NCT00246324 Setsi sa Saense sa Bophelo bo Botle sa Univesithi ea Louisiana State Shreveport|Biogen Multiple Sclerosis December 2003

Mokhahlelo oa 4

NCT00910715 Setsi sa Bongaka sa Univesithi ea Ljubljana Erythema Chronicum Migrans Phuptjane 2009

Ha e sebetse

NCT00243893 Univesithi ea California, San Francisco|Setsi sa Naha sa Mathata a Neurological le Stroke (NINDS) Aneurysms | Mafu a Arteriovenous Phupu 2004

Mokhahlelo oa 1

NCT00126399 CollaGenex Pharmaceuticals Rosacea Phuptjane 2004

Mokhahlelo oa 3

NCT01318356 Radboud University|ZonMw: The Netherlands Organization for Health Research and Development Q Fever| Mokhathala Syndrome, e sa foleng | Tšoaetso ea Coxiella Mmesa 2011

Mokhahlelo oa 4

NCT00177333 Univesithi ea Pittsburgh Ho Ntša Mpa, Ho susumetsoa|Ho hlatsa Loetse 2005

Mokhahlelo oa 4

NCT00007735 US Department of Veterans Affairs|Pfizer|United States Department of Defense|VA Ofisi ea Lipatlisiso le Nts'etsopele Persian Gulf Syndrome | Tšoaetso ea Mycoplasma Pherekhong 1999

Mokhahlelo oa 3

NCT00351273 Univesithi ea South Florida | Setsi sa Naha sa Arthritis le Musculoskeletal and Skin Diseases (NIAMS) Ramatiki, Reactive | Lefu la Reiter Motšeanong 2006

Mokhahlelo oa 3

NCT00469261 Sepetlele sa Careggi Myocardial Infarction | Phetoho ea Ventricular e ka ho le letšehali Motšeanong 2007

Mokhahlelo oa 2

NCT00547170 Univesithi ea Pittsburgh | Sepetlele sa Tu Du Endometritis Pherekhong 2007

Mokhahlelo oa 4

NCT01475708 Setsi sa Bongaka sa Univesithi ea Ljubljana Borreliosis ea Lyme Motšeanong 2011

NCT01368341 Morten Lindbaek|Norwegian Institute of Public Health|Sorlandet Hospital HF|Norwegian University of Life Sciences|University of Oslo Erythema Migrans|Erythema Chronicum Migrans|Borreliosis|Lefu la Lyme| Lefu la Pele la Lyme Phuptjane 2011

Mokhahlelo oa 4

NCT02538224 Univesithi ea Islamic Azad, Tehran Periodontitis e sa foleng Phupu 2013

Mokhahlelo oa 2|Mokhahlelo oa 3

NCT00066027 Univesithi ea Nebraska|Setsi sa Naha sa Lipatlisiso tsa Meno le Craniofacial (NIDCR) Periodontitis June 2002

Mokhahlelo oa 3

NCT00376493 Sepetlele sa Clinicas de Porto Alegre Septic Ampa Motšeanong 2006

Mokhahlelo oa 4

NCT03448731 Fundacion CRIS de Investigación bakeng sa Vencer el Cáncer|Amgen|Apices Soluciones SL Bohloko ba Letlalo La 10 Motšeanong 2018

Mokhahlelo oa 2

NCT00989742 Univesithi ea Nottingham Lymphangioleiomyomatosis | Tuberous Sclerosis Phupu 2009

Mokhahlelo oa 4

NCT01438515 Horizon Health Network Staphylococcus Aureus e hanyetsanang le Methicillin Phato 2008

Ha e sebetse

NCT02929121 The Task Force for Global Health|Setsi sa United States sa Ntlafatso ea Machabeng (USAID) Lymphedema | Lymphatic Filariasis | Filariasis La 15 Pherekhong 2019

Mokhahlelo oa 3

NCT00952861 Sepetlele sa Odense University|Kolding Sygehus|Sepetlele sa Svendborg|Sepetlele sa Fredericia|Sepetlele sa Naestved|Hillerod Hospital, Denmark|Region Syddanmark|Danmarks Lungeforening|Danish National Research Foundation Lefu la Matšoafo, Tšitiso e sa Feleng Mphalane 2009

Mokhahlelo oa 4

NCT00138801 Sepetlele sa Sorlandet HF Lyme Neuroborreliosis Hlakubele 2004

Mokhahlelo oa 3

NCT00942006 Setsi sa Bongaka sa Univesithi ea Ljubljana Ho belaelloa Pele Lyme Neuroborreliosis Phupu 2009

Ha e sebetse

NCT02713607 Univesithi ea California, Davis Lefu la Vulgaris Hlakubele 2016

Mokhahlelo oa 1|Mokhahlelo oa 2

NCT00560703 Galderma Blepharitis|Meibomianitis|Leihlo le omileng November 2007

Mokhahlelo oa 2

NCT01014260 Univesithi ea Johns Hopkins Lefu la pelo Loetse 2010

Mokhahlelo oa 4

NCT00000938 Setsi sa Naha sa Allergy le Mafu a tšoaetsanoang (NIAID) Lefu la Lyme  

Mokhahlelo oa 3

NCT01398072 University College, London|Royal Free Hampstead NHS Trust|University of Cambridge|Setsi sa Naha sa Lipatlisiso tsa Bophelo bo Botle, United Kingdom Lefu le sa Feleng la Tšitiso ea Matšoafo (COPD). December 2011

Mokhahlelo oa 3

NCT03479502 Setsi sa Bongaka sa Univesithi ea Vanderbilt|Motheo oa Lipatlisiso tsa Meriana le Thuto Adhesive Capsulitis|Adhesive Capsulitis ea Lehetla le sa Boleloeng|Lehetla le Hatselitsoeng La 5 Pherekhong 2018

Mokhahlelo oa 4

NCT02929134 The Task Force for Global Health|Setsi sa United States sa Ntlafatso ea Machabeng (USAID) Lymphedema | Lymphatic Filariasis | Filariasis Hlakola 16, 2018

Mokhahlelo oa 3

NCT00480532 Univesithi ea Oregon Health le Science Lithibela pelehi, Molomo Motšeanong 2007

Ha e sebetse

NCT01594827 Univesithi ea Johns Hopkins | Case Western Reserve University| Cystic Fibrosis Foundation Cystic Fibrosis Mphalane 2012

Mokhahlelo oa 2

NCT01744093 Weill Medical College ea Univesithi ea Cornell|Setsi sa Naha sa Pelo, Matšoafo le Mali (NHLBI) HIV La 17 Phupu 2014

Ha e sebetse

NCT03530319 Sepetlele sa Naha sa Univesithi ea Taiwan Pneumonia, Mycoplasma La 10 Pulungoana 2018

Ha e sebetse

NCT04167085 Univesithi ea California, Los Angeles Epistaxis La 18 Tšitoe, 2017

Mokhahlelo oa 4

NCT01411202 Setsi sa Patlisiso sa Sepetlele sa Ottawa Phallo e Ntle ea Pleural Phuptjane 2011

Mokhahlelo oa 2

NCT01474590 Galderma Makhopho November 2011

Mokhahlelo oa 3

NCT00649571 Mylan Pharmaceuticals Bophelo bo botle Phupu 2005

Mokhahlelo oa 1

NCT02899000 Galderma Laboratories, LP Lefu la Vulgaris La 29 Phupu 2016

Mokhahlelo oa 4

NCT00538967 Setsi sa Bongaka sa Univesithi ea Leiden Aortic Aneurysm, ka mpeng Motšeanong 2002

Mokhahlelo oa 2

NCT00439400 Litlhaloso tsa likarolo tsa Alacrity Biosciences, Inc. Leihlo le Omileng Hlakola 2007

Mokhahlelo oa 2

NCT00917553 Thomas Gardner|Univesithi ea Penn State|Motheo oa Lipatlisiso tsa lefu la tsoekere la Bacha|Milton S. Hershey Medical Center Retinopathy ea lefu la tsoekere Phupu 2009

Mokhahlelo oa 2

NCT00495313 CollaGenex Pharmaceuticals Rosacea Hlakubele 2007

Mokhahlelo oa 4

NCT01855360 Brigham le Sepetlele sa Basali Amyloidosis; Pelo (Ponahatso)|Senile Cardiac Amyloidosis Phuptjane 2013

Mokhahlelo oa 1|Mokhahlelo oa 2

NCT00419848 Univesithi ea Shahid Beheshti ea Saense ea Bongaka Makhopho Phato 2006

Mokhahlelo oa 2

NCT03532464 Sepetlele sa Univesithi, Bordeaux|USC EA 3671 Infections humanes à mycoplasmes le chlamydiae Tšoaetso ea Chlamydia Trachomatis | Tšoaetso ea Bosali | Tšoaetso ea Anal La 1 Phupu 2018

Mokhahlelo oa 4

NCT02756403 Setsi sa Lipatlisiso sa Bophelo bo Botle sa Medstar|Mokhatlo oa Thero ea Malapa Ho Ntša Mpa ho Trimester ea Pele Hlakubele 2016

Ha e sebetse

NCT00353158 Setsi sa Naha sa Ramatiki le Mafu a Mesapo le Marapo le Letlalo (NIAMS)|Mekhatlo ea Naha ea Setsi sa Meriana ea Bophelo bo Botle (CC) Baithaopi ba Bophelo bo Botle | Tšoaetso ea Fungal| Tšoaetso ea Baktheria La 11 Phupu 2006

Mokhahlelo oa 1

NCT01317433 Institut Cancerology de l'Ouest Kankere ea Colorectal Metastatic | Chefo ea Letlalo December 2010

Mokhahlelo oa 3

NCT01658995 Petra M. Casey|Tleliniki ea Mayo Ho tsoa mali ho amanang le ESI La 13 Loetse 2012

Mokhahlelo oa 3

NCT03968562 State University of New York - Downstate Medical Center Hives La 15 Motšeanong 2019

Mokhahlelo oa 2

NCT02569437 Sekolo sa Bongaka sa Icahn se Thabeng ea Sinai Polyp ea Nasal Sinus Loetse 2014

Mokhahlelo oa 2

NCT01198509 Bophelo bo Botle ba NYU Langone|Setsi sa Naha sa Ramatiki le Mafu a Musculoskeletal le Letlalo (NIAMS)|Setsi sa Kankere sa Sehopotso sa Sloan Kettering Ramatiki ea Ramatiki | Psoriatic Arthritis | Lefu la Periodontal Pherekhong 2010

Ha e sebetse

NCT01163994 Setsi sa Bongaka sa Univesithi ea Ljubljana Likokoana-hloko tse ngata tsa Erythema Phuptjane 2010

Ha e sebetse

NCT02388477 Setsi sa Bongaka sa Milton S. Hershey Kotsi ea Rotator Cuff  

Ha e sebetse

NCT01010295 Sehlopha sa Machaba sa Thuto ea Extranodal Lymphoma (IELSG) Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma Loetse 2006

Mokhahlelo oa 2

NCT00775918 Ranbaxy Laboratories Limited|Ranbaxy Inc. Bophelo bo botle June 2005

Ha e sebetse

NCT04050540 Univesithi ea Washington|Setsi sa Lipatlisiso sa Bongaka sa Kenya|Lenaneo la Naha la Kenya la Taolo ea AIDS & STI|Univesithi ea California, San Francisco|Setsi sa Naha sa Allergy le Mafu a Tšoaetso (NIAID) Tšoaetso ea HIV+AIDS|Neisseria Gonorrheae Infection|Chlamydia Trachomatis Infection|Tshwaetso ea Syphilis La 5 Hlakola, 2020

Mokhahlelo oa 4

NCT02562651 Russian Academy of Medical Sciences Mafu a Vascular | Mafu a pelo | Acute Myocardial Infarction Hlakola 2014

Mokhahlelo oa 2|Mokhahlelo oa 3

NCT00001101 Setsi sa Naha sa Allergy le Mafu a tšoaetsanoang (NIAID) Lefu la Lyme  

Mokhahlelo oa 3

NCT00340691 Setsi sa Naha sa Allergy le Mafu a Tšoaetso (NIAID)|Mekhatlo ea Naha ea Setsi sa Bophelo bo Botle sa Bophelo bo Botle (CC) Tšoaetso ea Mansonella Perstans|Mp Microfilaremia La 6 Tšitoe, 2004

Mokhahlelo oa 2

NCT01112059 Univesithi ea Alabama e Birmingham | Cystic Fibrosis Foundation Cystic Fibrosis November 2008

Ha e sebetse

NCT00652704 Par Pharmaceutical, Inc.|Anapharm Ho Itseba ka Bioequivalence Tlas'a Fed Conditions July 1999

Mokhahlelo oa 1

NCT01783860 Univesithi ea Tehran ea Saense ea Bongaka Blepharitis ea morao Pherekhong 2013

Mokhahlelo oa 2

NCT02564471 State University of New York - Upstate Medical University|Walter Reed Army Institute of Research (WRAIR)|Kansas State University Rabies Mmesa 2016

Mokhahlelo oa 4

NCT04206631 Univesithi ea Indonesia Lefu la Vulgaris La 1 Mmesa 2015

Mokhahlelo oa 1

NCT03956446 Setsi sa Bongaka sa Univesithi ea Ljubljana | Univesithi ea Ljubljana Sekolo sa Bongaka, Slovenia Tick ​​Borne Encephalitis La 1 Loetse 2014

Ha e sebetse

NCT03960411 Felix Chikita Fredy, MD|Setsi sa Naha sa Methapo ea Pelo Harapan Kita Sepetlele sa Indonesia|University of Indonesia ST Elevation Myocardial Infarction|Anterior Wall Myocardial Infarction|Ho hloleha ha Pelo|Ho nchafatsa, Ventricular La 25 Motšeanong 2019

Mokhahlelo oa 3

NCT00322465 Setsi sa Naha sa Allergy le Mafu a tšoaetsanoang (NIAID) Urethritis November 2006

Mokhahlelo oa 2

NCT01375491 Univesithi ea California, San Diego|Ruth L. Kirschstein National Research Service Award|Setsi sa Naha sa lefu la tsoekere le lefu la tšilo ea lijo le liphio (NIDDK)|Setsi sa Naha sa Mehloli ea Lipatlisiso (NCRR) Mofuta oa 2 oa Lefu la tsoekere | Botenya Mphalane 2009

Mokhahlelo oa 4

NCT03478436 Univesithi ea Bongaka ea Vienna | Dr. Reddy's Laboratories Limited Rosacea Phupu 2016

Mokhahlelo oa 1

NCT01207739 Radboud University|Sint Maartenskliniek|ZonMw: The Netherlands Organization for Health Research and Development Lefu la Lyme | Tšoaetso ea Borrelia Loetse 2010

Mokhahlelo oa 4

NCT00939562 Pfizer Tšoaetso ea Libaktheria November 2008

Mokhahlelo oa 4

NCT03608774 Setsi sa Naha sa Allergy le Mafu a tšoaetsanoang (NIAID) Tšoaetso ea Anal Chlamydia La 26 Phuptjane 2018

Mokhahlelo oa 4

NCT02281643 Kwame Nkrumah Univesithi ea Saense le Theknoloji | Univesithi ea Bonn | Univesithi ea Heinrich-Heine, Duesseldorf Tšoaetso ea Mansonella Perstans|Seso sa Buruli|Lefuba| Tšoaetso e 'ngoe Mphalane 2014

Mokhahlelo oa 2

NCT00066066 Setsi sa Forsyth|Setsi sa Naha sa Lipatlisiso tsa Meno le Craniofacial (NIDCR) Periodontitis | Maloetse a Periodontal Phupu 2003

Mokhahlelo oa 2

NCT01798225 Univesithi ea Bongaka ea South Carolina | Setsi sa Naha sa Mehloli ea Lipatlisiso (NCRR) Lefu la Periodontal|Mofuta oa 2 Lefu la tsoekere mellitus December 2007

Mokhahlelo oa 4

NCT00612573 Warner Chilcott Lefu la Vulgaris Hlakola 2008

Mokhahlelo oa 2

NCT01631617 Setsi sa Naha sa Ramatiki le Mafu a Mesapo le Marapo le Letlalo (NIAMS)|Mekhatlo ea Naha ea Setsi sa Meriana ea Bophelo bo Botle (CC) Eczema|Dermatitis|Mafu a Letlalo, Genetic|Dermatitis, Atopic|Mafu a Letlalo La 18 Loetse 2012

Mokhahlelo oa 2

NCT03173053 Radboud University|ZonMw: The Netherlands Organization for Health Research and Development|Academisch Medisch Centrum - Universiteit van Amsterdam (AMC-UvA)|Sepetlele sa Univesithi ea Aalborg|Rigshospitalet, Denmark Staphylococcus Aureus | Bothata ba Motility Hlakola 8, 2018

Ha e sebetse

NCT00715858 Univesithi ea McMaster | The Physicians' Services Incorporated Foundation Lefu la Alzheimer Motšeanong 2008

Mokhahlelo oa 3

NCT03584919 Setsi sa Bongaka sa Univesithi ea Ljubljana Erythema Chronicum Migrans La 1 Phuptjane 2006

Ha e sebetse

NCT01469585 Univesithi ea Hawaii | Charles Drew Univesithi ea Bongaka le Saense | Meharry Medical College Phatlalatso ea Mali November 2011

Ha e sebetse

NCT02759120 Weill Medical College of Cornell University|Duke Clinical Research Institute|Univesithi ea Chicago|Univesithi ea Washington|Univesithi ea Pittsburgh|Setsi sa Naha sa Pelo, Matšoafo le Setsi sa Mali (NHLBI) Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis La 22 Hlakubele 2017

Mokhahlelo oa 3

NCT02735837 Amirhossein Farahmand | Univesithi ea Islamic Azad, Tehran Lefu la tsoekere le nang le lefu la periodontal Pherekhong 2015

Mokhahlelo oa 2|Mokhahlelo oa 3

NCT03655197 Univesithi ea California, Davis Rosacea | Ocular Rosacea | Cutaneous Rosacea La 2 Pulungoana 2017

Mohato oa pele oa 1

NCT01188954 Bophelo bo botle ba Northwell Seroma Pherekhong 2010

Ha e sebetse

NCT00388778 Univesithi ea Shahid Beheshti ea Saense ea Bongaka Mahloba | Ho ruruha Mphalane 2005

Mokhahlelo oa 2|Mokhahlelo oa 3

NCT01087476 Univesithi ea Metropolitan Autonomous | Instituto Nacional de Cancerologia de Mexico Mucositis Motšeanong 2010

Mokhahlelo oa 2

NCT02174757 CD Pharma India Pvt. Ltd.|Sree Mookambika Institute of Dental Sciences Periodontitis e sa foleng Phato 2014

Mokhahlelo oa 3

NCT03911440 Sepetlele sa Naha sa Univesithi ea Taiwan Pneumonia e sa tloaelehang La 10 Pulungoana 2018

Ha e sebetse

NCT02553083 Setsi sa Bongaka sa Rabin Tšoaetso ea Baktheria ka lebaka la Helicobacter Pylori (H. Pylori) La 22 Mphalane, 2015

Mokhahlelo oa 4

NCT04234945 Sepetlele sa Thuto ea Univesithi ea Ahmadu Bello Ho hloka thari, Botšehali|Lefu la ho ruruha ha Pelvic La 13 Pherekhong 2020

Ha e sebetse

NCT00892281 Galderma Laboratories, LP Rosacea Mmesa 2009

Mokhahlelo oa 4

NCT02913118 Qingfeng Pharmaceutical Group Pneumonia e Fumanehileng Sechaba Phupu 2016

Mokhahlelo oa 4

NCT04153604 Sistimi ea Bophelo ea Methodist Cirrhosis | Baktheria e Ikemetseng La 4 Pulungoana 2019

NCT03153267 Setsi sa Bongaka sa Univesithi ea Ljubljana | Univesithi ea Ljubljana Sekolo sa Bongaka, Slovenia Erythema Chronicum Migrans La 1 Phuptjane 2017

Ha e sebetse

NCT03116659 James J. Peters Veterans Affairs Medical Center Lymphoma, T-Cell, Cutaneous Hlakola 1, 2018

Mohato oa pele oa 1

NCT03401372 Sepetlele sa Jian Li|Peking University First Hospital|China PLA General Hospital|Beijing Chao Yang Hospital|Sepetlele sa China West Se Kopantsweng le Yunibesithi ya Sichuan|Sepetlele sa Tongji se Kopantsweng le Tongji Medical College of HUST|Sepetlele sa Unionon Se Hokahaneng le Tongji Medical College of HUST|Shanghai Changzheng Hospital| Sepetlele sa Nanfang sa Southern Medical University|Peking Union Medical College Hospital Amyloidosis; Tsamaiso La 21 Mmesa 2018

Ha e sebetse

NCT01380496 Par Pharmaceutical, Inc.|Anapharm Ho Itseba ka Bioequivalence Tlas'a Fed Conditions November 1999

Mokhahlelo oa 1

NCT03083197 Univesithi ea Oxford|Shoklo Malaria Research Unit|Chiangrai Prachanukroh Hospital Hlakola Typhus La 15 Mphalane, 2017

Mokhahlelo oa 4

NCT00237016 Medical Corps, Sesole sa Tšireletso sa Iseraele Feberu e Khutlelang, Tick-Borne|Jarisch Herxheimer Reaction Mmesa 2002

Mokhahlelo oa 2|Mokhahlelo oa 3

NCT01308619 Galderma Laboratories, LP Rosacea Mmesa 2011

Mokhahlelo oa 4

NCT01198912 Sepetlele sa Univesithi, Ghent Rhinosinusitis e sa foleng | Nasal Polyps La 22 Pulungoana 2011

Mokhahlelo oa 2

NCT02016365 Univesithi ea Umeå Transthyretin Amyloidosis | Cardiomyopathy Hlakola 2012

Mokhahlelo oa 2

NCT00783523 Univesithi ea California, San Francisco Matšoao a Arteriovenous|Cavernous Angiomas|Likokoana-hloko tsa Boko Hlakubele 2008

Mokhahlelo oa 1

NCT03337932 Setsi sa Bongaka sa Univesithi ea Ljubljana Erythema Chronicum Migrans La 1 Pherekhong 2018

Ha e sebetse

NCT00568711 Dong-Min Kim | Sepetlele sa Univesithi ea Chosun Hlakola Typhus Loetse 2006

Ha e sebetse

NCT01874860 Univesithi ea Louisville | Setsi sa Kankere sa James Graham Brown Kankere ea Colorectal | Kankere ea Hlooho le Molala Phato 2013

Mokhahlelo oa 2

NCT01171859 IRCCS Policlinico S. Matteo Transthyretin Amyloidosis Phupu 2010

Mokhahlelo oa 2

NCT01653522 Kliniki ea Cleveland Mathata a Migraine|Ho opa ke Hlooho, Migraine|Migraine|Migraine Headache|Migraine With Aura|Migraine Without Aura|Mathata a Hlooho ea Hlooho, Primary Phupu 2012

Ha e sebetse

NCT01820910 Sehlopha sa Machaba sa Thuto ea Extranodal Lymphoma (IELSG) Marginal Zone Lymphoma ea Ocular Adnexal Hlakubele 2013

Mokhahlelo oa 2

NCT01323101 Univesithi ea Southern California Cystic Fibrosis Mmesa 2008

Mokhahlelo oa 4

NCT00829764 Teva Pharmaceuticals USA Bophelo bo botle Mphalane 2006

Mokhahlelo oa 1

NCT01668498 AIO-Seithuti-gGmbH Kankere ea Colourectal ea Ras-wildtype Motšeanong 2011

Mokhahlelo oa 2

NCT01030666 Peter Eickholz|Heidelberg University|Dr. August Wolff GmbH & Co. KG Arzneimittel|Gaba International AG|Univesithi ea Goethe Periodontitis Mmesa 2007

Mokhahlelo oa 4

NCT00012688 Lefapha la US Department of Veterans Affairs|Colgate-Periogard-Dentsply|VA Ofisi ea Lipatlisiso le Ntlafatso Lefu la tsoekere mellitus | Taolo e Fosahetseng ea Glycemic  

Ha e sebetse

NCT01885910 Lipatlisiso tsa Derm, PLLC|WFH MEDICAL, LLC Lefu la Vulgaris Phupu 2013

Mokhahlelo oa 4

NCT02328469 Setsi sa Bongaka sa Univesithi Ljubljana|Setsi sa Lipatlisiso sa Slovenia|Univesithi ea Ljubljana Sekolo sa Bongaka, Slovenia | Univesithi ea Harvard Aseptic Meningitis Phuptjane 2014

NCT00355602 Univesithi ea Dundee | Tenovus Scotland Colitis, Maso Phupu 2006

Ha e sebetse

NCT02606032 Hamilton Health Sciences Corporation|Hamilton Academic Health Sciences Organization Ho ruruha ha Seso Motsheanong 2016

Mokhahlelo oa 2

NCT01465802 Pfizer Kankere e seng Nyenyane ea Lets'oafo ea Lisele (NSCLC) La 26 Tšitoe, 2011

Mokhahlelo oa 2

NCT02623959 Setsi sa Kankere sa MD Anderson Kankere e Tsoetseng Pele | Likokoana-hloko tse Bohloko tsa Pleural La 27 Mmesa 2016

Mokhahlelo oa 4

NCT03481972 IRCCS Policlinico S. Matteo TTR Amyloidosis ea pelo La 11 Mmesa 2018

Mokhahlelo oa 3

NCT00428818 Univesithi ea Texas Southwestern Medical Center Tšoaetso Phato 2005

Ha e sebetse

NCT01935622 Univesithi ea Virginia Commonwealth Non-ischemic Cardiomyopathy|Systolic Heart Failure (NYHA II-III) Phupu 2012

Mokhahlelo oa 2

NCT01886560 Univesithi ea Sun Yat-sen Ho Chesa Mahlo Loetse 2013

Mokhahlelo oa 2|Mokhahlelo oa 3

NCT04239755 Univesithi ea Damanhour | Univesithi ea Tanta Kotsi e Tloaelehileng ea Boko La 15 Tšitoe 2019

Mokhahlelo oa 4

NCT02204254 Center Hospitaler Universitaire de Nice Rosacea Hlakubele 2014

Ha e sebetse

NCT00837213 Stiefel, Khamphani ea GSK|GlaxoSmithKline Makhopho Phato 2007

Mokhahlelo oa 4

NCT03115177 Setsi sa Bongaka sa Univesithi ea Rush Osteoarthritis November 2015

Ha e sebetse

NCT03618108 Cadrock Pty. Ltd.|Setsi sa Mafu a Ts'ila, Australia Lefu la Pelo ea Coronary|Chlamydophila Pneumoniae Infections La 4 Mmesa 2018

Mokhahlelo oa 2

NCT03435952 Setsi sa Kankere sa MD Anderson|BioMed Valley Discoveries, Inc|Merck Sharp & Dohme Corp. Li-neoplasms tse kotsi tsa matsoele|Li-neoplasms tse kotsi tsa litho tsa tšilo ea lijo|Li-neoplasms tse kotsi tsa boko ba mahlo le likarolo tse ling tsa tsamaiso ea methapo e bohareng|Li-neoplasms tse kotsi tsa litho tsa botšehali tsa basali| li-neoplasms tse mpe tsa libaka tse sa hlalosoang tse sa hlalosoang le tse sa hlalosoang Libaka|Li-neoplasms tse kotsi tsa Molomo oa Molomo oa Cavity le Pharynx|Li-neoplasms tse kotsi tsa litho tsa botona kapa botšehali tsa banna|Li-neoplasms tse kotsi tsa Mesothelial le Soft Tissue|Li-neoplasms tse kotsi tsa litho tsa ho phefumoloha le tse ka hare ho sefuba|Li-neoplasms tse kotsi tsa Thyroid le tse ling tsa Endocrine La 10 Phupu 2018

Mokhahlelo oa 1

NCT01867294 Lipatlisiso tsa Kankere tsa Thuto le Sechaba United|Setsi sa Naha sa Kankere (NCI) Neoplasm e Melignant e Tsoetseng Pele | Bothata ba Dermatologic La 31 Phato, 2012

Mokhahlelo oa 2

NCT01677286 Univesithi ea Boston Amyloidosis Phupu 2012

Mokhahlelo oa 2

NCT00511875 Thomas Gardner|Motheo oa Lipatlisiso tsa Bacha ba Lefu la tsoekere|Milton S. Hershey Medical Center Retinopathy ea lefu la tsoekere Phupu 2008

Mokhahlelo oa 2

NCT04108897 Univesithi ea Johns Hopkins Rosacea La 17 Loetse 2019

Mohato oa pele oa 1

NCT00631501 Kaunas University of Medicine | Sepetlele sa Univesithi, Linkoeping Lateral Epicondylalgia (Setsoe sa Tennis)  

Ha e sebetse

NCT02203682 Univesithi ea Sun Yat-sen Graves Ophthalmopathy|Mafu a Graves|Mafu a Mahlo|Mafu a Thyroid|Mafu a Endocrine System|Mafu a Mahlo, Bofuoa|Hyperthyroidism|Mafu a Autoimmune|Mafu a Ts'ireletso ea 'mele Phupu 2014

Mokhahlelo oa 2

NCT02005653 Lekhotla la India la Patlisiso ea Bongaka Filarial; Tšoaetso Hlakola 2009

Mokhahlelo oa 4

NCT03585140 Centro Dermatológico Dr. Ladislao de la Pascua Acne Vulgaris| Phetoho ea Lijo La 1 Pherekhong 2016

Ha e sebetse

NCT02147262 Setsi sa Bongaka sa Univesithi ea Ljubljana | Univesithi ea Ljubljana Sekolo sa Bongaka, Slovenia | Univesithi ea Bongaka ea Vienna | Univesithi ea Harvard Atrophic Acrodermatitis e sa foleng Phupu 2013

Ha e sebetse

NCT02220751 Univesithi ea Sao Paulo|Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo Periodontitis | Mofuta oa 2 oa lefu la tsoekere mellitus Hlakubele 2009

Mokhahlelo oa 3

NCT01825408 Univesithi ea North Carolina, Chapel Hill Sinusitis Hlakola 2013

Mokhahlelo oa 4

NCT02884713 King Faisal Specialist Hospital & Research Center TŠEBELETSO Phuptjane 2013

Ha e sebetse

NCT02726646 Univesithi ea Campinas, Brazil|Pontificia Universidade Catolica de Sao Paulo Periodontitis e sa foleng Phuptjane 2015

Mokhahlelo oa 2

NCT00883818 Samsung Medical Center Senya se sebetsang ka ho Fetisisa Pherekhong 2007

Mokhahlelo oa 4

NCT00829790 Teva Pharmaceuticals USA Bophelo bo botle Mphalane 2006

Mokhahlelo oa 1

NCT01949233 Univesithi ea Oxford | Lipetlele tsa Univesithi ea Oxford NHS Trust Marfan Syndrome Mphalane 2013

Mokhahlelo oa 2

NCT01518192 Setsi sa Bongaka sa Univesithi ea Ljubljana | Setsi sa Lipatlisiso sa Slovenia Erythema Migrans | Matšoao a lefu la Post-Lyme Phuptjane 2006

Mokhahlelo oa 4

NCT02845024 Univesithi ea Islamic Azad, Tehran Lefu la tsoekere le nang le lefu la periodontal Loetse 2014

Ha e sebetse

NCT01879930 Sepetlele sa Univesithi ea Inselspital, Berne Lefu le sa Feleng Pelvic Pain Syndrome | Lehlaba la Senya November 2012

Mokhahlelo oa 4

NCT00041977 CollaGenex Pharmaceuticals Rosacea ea makhopho June 2002

Mokhahlelo oa 3

NCT02341209 Rochester General Hospital T-cell Lymphoma | Mycosis Fungoides | Sezary Syndrome Hlakola 6, 2018

Mokhahlelo oa 2

NCT00002872 Sehlopha sa Eastern Cooperative Oncology|Setsi sa Naha sa Kankere (NCI)|Sehlopha sa Kalafo ea Kankere e Bohareng Kankere ea Metastatic November 1996

Mokhahlelo oa 3

NCT03162497 Univesithi ea Bongaka ea Vienna Dry Eye Syndromes|Meibomian Gland Dysfunction La 8 Pherekhong 2018

Mokhahlelo oa 4

NCT01418742 Gesellschaft fur Medizinische Innovation ? Hamatologie und Onkologie mbH|ClinAssess GmbH Colorectal Carcinoma Phato 2011

Mokhahlelo oa 2

NCT00980148 Setsi sa Naha sa Allergy le Mafu a tšoaetsanoang (NIAID) Tšoaetso ea Chlamydial December 2009

Mokhahlelo oa 3

NCT03342456 The Third Xiangya Hospital of Central South University|Livzon Pharmaceutical Group Inc.|Yung Shin Pharm. Ind. Co., Ltd. Seso sa Duodenal Ka lebaka la Helicobacter Pylori La 13 Tšitoe 2017

Mokhahlelo oa 4

NCT04310930 Univesithi ea Queensland|Lefapha la Bophelo la Mmuso oa Australia|Motheo oa Sepetlele sa Bana|Cystic Fibrosis Foundation|University of Newcastle|Univesithi ea Griffith|Setsi sa Bongaka sa Erasmus|Univesithi ea Monash|Univesithi ea Copenhagen|Hôpital Cochin|Setsi sa Patlisiso ea Bophelo le Bongaka sa Australia Boroa|Univesithi ea Melbourne|James Cook University, Queensland, Australia|Murdoch Childrens Research Institute Lefu la matšoafo ka lebaka la Mycobacteria (Tlhahlobo) Hlakubele 2020

Mokhahlelo oa 2|Mokhahlelo oa 3

NCT03709459 Setsi sa Kirby|Setsi sa Patlisiso ea Bophelo bo Botle ea Australia Boroa | Univesithi ea Monash Thibelo ea mafu a likobo La 17 Tšitoe 2019

NCT04067011 Emergent BioSolutions|Biomedical Advanced Research and Development Authority Koatsi La 12 Phato, 2019

Mokhahlelo oa 2

NCT02844634 Setsi sa British Columbia sa Taolo ea Mafu HIV | Syphilis La 15 Motšeanong 2018

Mokhahlelo oa 4

NCT00647959 Mylan Pharmaceuticals Bophelo bo botle Hlakubele 2006

Mokhahlelo oa 1

NCT00170222 Setsi sa Bongaka sa Alkmaar Boloetse bo sa Feleng bo Thibelang Matšoafo Phupu 2002

Mokhahlelo oa 4

NCT03075891 Galderma Rosacea La 5 Phupu 2017

Mokhahlelo oa 4

NCT00031499 Setsi sa Naha sa Allergy le Mafu a tšoaetsanoang (NIAID) Syphilis June 2000

Mokhahlelo oa 3

NCT01205464 Univesithi ea Linkoeping Mokhathala|Bohloko bo Haholo|Ho se sebetse hantle ha Kelello|Paresthesia|Paresis Hlakola 2005

Ha e sebetse

NCT01301586 Litlhaloso tsa likarolo tsa Nexgen Dermatologics, Inc. MAKOTI VULGARIS November 2010

Mokhahlelo oa 1|Mokhahlelo oa 2

NCT02305940 Imperial College London Lefu le sa Feleng le Thibelang Mafu (COPD) Phupu 2014

Mokhahlelo oa 3

NCT00351182 Dong-Min Kim | Sepetlele sa Univesithi ea Chosun Hlakola Typhus Loetse 2005

Mokhahlelo oa 3

NCT03334682 Sepetlele sa Univesithi ea Nantes Lefu la Vulgaris La 31 Pherekhong 2018

Mokhahlelo oa 3

NCT01788215 Univesithi ea Rochester Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS)|Ho Hoa Ho sa Tloaeleha ha Ho ilela khoeli | Androgen e Feteletseng November 2010

Mokhahlelo oa 3

NCT03076281 Setsi sa Kankere sa Sidney Kimmel Univesithing ea Thomas Jefferson | Univesithi ea Thomas Jefferson Larynx|LIP|Molomo Cavity|Pharynx La 3 Mmesa 2017

Mokhahlelo oa 2

NCT00439166 Hamilton Health Sciences Corporation | The Physicians' Services Incorporated Foundation | Univesithi ea McMaster Lefu la Alzheimer Hlakola 2007

Mokhahlelo oa 3

NCT02463942 Setsi sa Bongaka sa Univesithi ea Ljubljana | Univesithi ea Ljubljana Sekolo sa Bongaka, Slovenia Encephalitis e bakoang ke litekete Loetse 2014

Ha e sebetse

NCT00803842 Univesithi ea Northwestern Kankere e sa Nyane ea Matšoafo ea Lisele Mphalane 2008

Ha e sebetse

NCT02086591 Univesithi ea Rochester Batho ba baholo ba na le Lymphoma e kholo ea B-Cell Lymphoma|Mantle Cell Lymphoma Recurrent|Lymphoma, Follicular|Marginal Zone B-Cell Lymphoma|Malignant Lymphoma - Lymphoplasmacytic|Waldenstrom Macroglobulinemia|Small Lymphocytic Lymphoma|Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia | Cell (CLL) Hlakubele 2014

Mokhahlelo oa 2

NCT03980223 Univesithi ea California, San Francisco|Univesithi ea Washington|Setsi sa Naha sa Allergy le Mafu a tšoaetsanoang (NIAID)|Mayne Pharma International Pty Ltd|Lefapha la San Francisco la Bophelo bo Botle ba Sechaba Gonorrhea | Chlamydia | Syphilis La 26 Pulungoana 2019

Mokhahlelo oa 4

NCT00355459 Univesithi ea Texas Southwestern Medical Center Dry Eye Syndrome Phato 2005

Ha e sebetse

NCT01254799 Omar Mamdouh Shaaban | Univesithi ea Assiut Ho tsoa mali a popelong Pherekhong 2008

Mokhahlelo oa 3

NCT01547325 NanoSHIFT LLC|Lefapha la Tšireletso la United States Maqeba a Ho Buoa a Khaotsoeng Motšeanong 2012

Ha e sebetse

NCT00653380 Par Pharmaceutical, Inc.|Anapharm Ho Itseba ka Bioequivalence Tlas'a Maemo a ho Itima Lijo Loetse 1999

Mokhahlelo oa 1

NCT00635609 Warner Chilcott Lefu la Vulgaris Hlakubele 2008

Mokhahlelo oa 4

NCT03765931 Institut de Recherche pour le Development Feberu Phupu 2016

Mokhahlelo oa 4

NCT01160640 Harold Wiesenfeld|Setsi sa Naha sa Allergy le Mafu a tšoaetsanoang (NIAID)|Univesithing ea Pittsburgh Lefu la Pelvic Inflammatory November 2010

Mokhahlelo oa 2

NCT01756833 Univesithi ea Maryland, Baltimore | Setsi sa Naha sa Botsofali (NIA) Aneurysm Motšeanong 2013

Mokhahlelo oa 2

NCT00688064 Galderma Vulgaris e matla ea makhopho Phato 2008

Mokhahlelo oa 3

NCT01320033 Galderma Lefu la Vulgaris La 29 Hlakubele 2011

Mokhahlelo oa 2

NCT03397004 St. Michael's Hospital, Toronto|Barrow Neurological Institute|Duke University|Feinstein Institute for Medical Research|University of Pittsburgh|Sunnybrook Health Sciences Center Hereditary Hemorrhagic Telangiectasia (HHT) La 12 Loetse 2018

Mokhahlelo oa 2

NCT01635530 Sepetlele sa Univesithi ea Turku Lyme Neuroborreliosis Phato 2012

Mokhahlelo oa 4

NCT03727620 Univesithi ea Mohammed V Souissi Periodontitis e matla La 6 Pherekhong, 2014

Mokhahlelo oa 1|Mokhahlelo oa 2

NCT02688738 Rothman Institute Orthopedics Propionibacterium Hlakubele 2015

Ha e sebetse

NCT00358462 Univesithi ea Washington|Setsi sa Naha sa Allergy le Mafu a tšoaetsanoang (NIAID) Urethritis Pherekhong 2007

Mokhahlelo oa 3

NCT02864550 Setsi sa British Columbia sa Taolo ea Mafu Syphilis|Mafu a tšoaetsanoang ka Thobalano La 15 Phato, 2019

Mokhahlelo oa 4

NCT01595594 Univesithi ea Sao Paulo|Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo Lefu la Periodontal | Mofuta oa 2 oa Lefu la tsoekere Hlakubele 2010

Mokhahlelo oa 3

NCT00964834 PharmAthene, Inc.|Mekhatlo ea Naha ea Bophelo bo Botle (NIH)|Medarex|Quintiles, Inc.|Lefapha la Bophelo bo Botle le Litšebeletso tsa Botho Koatsi Phupu 2009

Mokhahlelo oa 1

NCT01809444 Univesithi ea Sun Yat-sen Thyroid Associated Opthalmopathies November 2012

Mokhahlelo oa 2|Mokhahlelo oa 3

NCT01590082 Setsi sa Kankere sa MD Anderson|Mekhatlo ea Naha ea Bophelo bo Botle (NIH)|Setsi sa Naha sa Kankere (NCI) Melanoma November 2012

Mokhahlelo oa 1|Mokhahlelo oa 2

NCT00207584 Litsi tsa Taolo le Thibelo ea Mafu Mycoplasma Pneumoniae Pherekhong 1994

Ha e sebetse

NCT00775177 Ranbaxy Laboratories Limited|Ranbaxy Inc. Bophelo bo botle June 2005

Ha e sebetse

NCT03462329 Setsi sa Bongaka sa Univesithi ea Ljubljana Erythema Migrans La 1 Phuptjane 2018

Ha e sebetse

NCT00000403 Univesithi ea Indiana|Setsi sa Naha sa Ramatiki le Mafu a Musculoskeletal le Letlalo (NIAMS)|Setsi sa Naha sa Botsofali (NIA) Osteoarthritis Loetse 1996

Mokhahlelo oa 3

NCT03508232 Univesithi ea Alberta | Sepetlele sa Royal Alexandra ST Segment Elevation Myocardial Infarction|Ho hloleha ha Pelo La 6 Pherekhong 2020

Mokhahlelo oa 2

NCT02553473 Sepetlele sa Sorlandet HF Neuroborreliosis, Borrelia Burgdorferi Mphalane 2015

Mokhahlelo oa 3

NCT02207556 Koleche ea Bongaka ea Wisconsin Amyloidosis ea mantlha ea tsamaiso La 1 Mphalane 2014

Mokhahlelo oa 2

NCT01783106 Royal Liverpool University Hospital|Mokhatlo oa Naha oa Colitis le Boloetse ba Crohn|Setsi sa Naha sa Patlisiso ea Bophelo bo Botle, United Kingdom Lefu la Crohn Hlakola 1, 2014

Mokhahlelo oa 2

NCT00353743 Sepetlele sa Clinicas de Porto Alegre Ho ntša mpa, Septic Motšeanong 2006

Ha e sebetse

NCT01727973 Univesithi ea Sun Yat-sen Graves Ophthalmopathy|Mafu a Graves|Mafu a Mahlo|Mafu a Thyroid|Mafu a Endocrine System|Mafu a Mahlo, Bofuoa|Hyperthyroidism|Mafu a Autoimmune|Mafu a Ts'ireletso ea 'mele Mphalane 2012

Mokhahlelo oa 1|Mokhahlelo oa 2

NCT00857038 Setsi sa Bongaka sa Alkmaar|Leiden University Medical Center|Univesithi ea Amsterdam Lefu le sa Feleng le Thibelang Matšoenyeho | Ho ruruha | Emphysema ea Pulmonary Mmesa 2009

Mokhahlelo oa 4

NCT02774993 Sepetlele sa Univesithi ea Sechaba, Singapore|Sepetlele sa Tan Tock Seng|Univesithi ea Sechaba, Singapore|A*Star Lefuba Loetse 2015

Mokhahlelo oa 2

NCT03474458 IRCCS Policlinico S. Matteo Lefu la pelo AL Amyloidosis Hlakola 11, 2019

Mokhahlelo oa 2|Mokhahlelo oa 3

NCT02874430 Setsi sa Kankere sa Sidney Kimmel Univesithing ea Thomas Jefferson | Univesithi ea Thomas Jefferson Carcinoma ea Matsoele|Endometrial Clear Adenocarcinoma|Endometrial Serous Adenocarcinoma|Kankere ea Uterine Corpus Kankere | Uterine Corpus Carcinosarcoma La 8 Phuptjane 2016

Mokhahlelo oa 2

NCT00016835 Univesithi ea Michigan|Setsi sa Naha sa Lipatlisiso tsa Meno le Craniofacial (NIDCR) Lefu la Periodontal | Lefu la tsoekere mellitus, Mofuta oa 2 La 17 Mphalane, 2001

Mokhahlelo oa 2

NCT00064766 Setsi sa Naha sa Eunice Kennedy Shriver sa Bophelo bo Botle ba Bana le Ntlafatso ea Batho (NICHD) Ho tsoa Mali ha Endometrial | Lefu la Periodontal Hlakola 2003

Mokhahlelo oa 4

NCT00803452 Univesithi ea Louisville Blepharitis Phupu 2008

Mokhahlelo oa 4

NCT01434173 Bayer|RTI Health Solutions Kotsi ea Sebete e Bakiloeng ke Lithethefatsi Phupu 2001

NCT00126204 Sepetlele sa Barnes-Jewish Aortic Aneurysm Hlakubele 2004

Ha e sebetse

NCT01917721 Bophelo bo botle ba Hawaii Pacific Lefu la Kawasaki | Coronary Aneurysm Mphalane 2013

Mokhahlelo oa 2

NCT02775695 Koleche ea Bongaka ea Wisconsin Kankere ea Pancreatic e Hloekileng La 3 Mmesa 2017

Mokhahlelo oa 2

NCT03824340 Sepetlele sa Aljazeera Ho hloka thari La 30 Pherekhong 2019

Ha e sebetse

NCT01847976 Setsi sa Patlisiso sa Sepetlele sa Ottawa | Motheo oa Kankere ea Matsoele ea Canada Bohloko Phato 2013

Mokhahlelo oa 2

NCT02850913 Univesithi ea Makerere | Univesithi ea Oxford Ho tsieleha La 5 Loetse 2016

Mokhahlelo oa 2

NCT00764361 NanoSHIFT LLC Seso sa Maoto sa Diabetes Pherekhong 2009

Mokhahlelo oa 2

NCT02036528 Litlhaloso tsa likarolo tsa Royer Biomedical, Inc. Liso tsa Maoto tsa Diabetes Pherekhong 2014

Mokhahlelo oa 1|Mokhahlelo oa 2

NCT01661985 Lekhotla la Setereke sa Ostergotland, Sweden|Setsi sa Serum sa Statens Urethritis|Cervicitis|Genital Mycoplasma Infection|Chlamydia Trachomatis Hlakola 2010

Mokhahlelo oa 4

NCT01380483 Par Pharmaceutical, Inc.|Anapharm Ho Itseba ka Bioequivalence Tlas'a Maemo a ho Itima Lijo Pherekhong 2000

Mokhahlelo oa 1

NCT00648180 Mylan Pharmaceuticals Bophelo bo botle Phupu 2005

Mokhahlelo oa 1

NCT01426269 Galderma Laboratories, LP Rosacea Loetse 2011

Mokhahlelo oa 4

NCT02753426 Univesithi ea California, San Francisco Lefu le sa Feleng la Liphio | Cardiorenal Syndrome Mmesa 2016

Mokhahlelo oa 1

NCT02583282 Setsi sa Lithuto tsa Bongaka le Lipatlisiso tsa Bongaka Phallo e Ntle ea Pleural La 1 Phato, 2015

Ha e sebetse

NCT02927496 The Task Force for Global Health|Setsi sa United States sa Ntlafatso ea Machabeng (USAID) Lymphedema | Lymphatic Filariasis | Filariasis La 19 Phuptjane 2018

Mokhahlelo oa 3

NCT00652795 Par Pharmaceutical, Inc.|Anapharm Ho Itseba ka Bioequivalence Tlas'a Maemo a ho Itima Lijo Phupu 2004

Mokhahlelo oa 1

NCT03956212 Setsi sa Bongaka sa Univesithi ea Ljubljana | Univesithi ea Ljubljana Sekolo sa Bongaka, Slovenia Erythema Migrans La 1 Phuptjane 2017

Ha e sebetse

NCT00855595 Bayer Papulopustular Rosacea Hlakola 2009

Mokhahlelo oa 4

NCT03457636 Lipatlisiso tsa Derm, PLLC Makhopho La 19 Hlakubele 2018

Mokhahlelo oa 4

NCT02894268 Sir Run Run Shaw Hospital Tšoaetso ea Helicobacter Pylori Hlakola 2016

Mokhahlelo oa 4

NCT03465774 Setsi sa Kankere sa MD Anderson | Setsi sa Naha sa Kankere (NCI) Phallo e Ntle ea Pleural La 8 Hlakubele 2018

Mohato oa pele oa 1

Sebopeho sa lik'hemik'hale



Tsamaiso ea boleng1

Tlhahiso18Merero ea Tlhahlobo ea Boleng e amohetsoeng4, le6merero e tlas'a tumello.

Tsamaiso ea boleng2

Sistimi e tsoetseng pele ea taolo ea boleng ba machabeng e ralile motheo o tiileng oa thekiso.

Tsamaiso ea boleng3

Tlhokomelo ea boleng e tsamaisana le potoloho eohle ea bophelo ba sehlahisoa ho netefatsa boleng le phello ea kalafo.

Tsamaiso ea boleng4

Sehlopha sa Litaba tsa Taolo ea Setsebi se tšehetsa litlhoko tsa boleng nakong ea kopo le ngoliso.



Korea Countec Bottled Packaging Line


Taiwan CVC Bottled Packaging Line


Italy CAM Board Packaging Line


Mochini oa Sejeremane oa Fette Compacting


Japan Viswill Tablet Detector


Kamore ea Taolo ea DCS


Tšebelisano ea machaba
Tšebelisano ea machaba
Tšebelisano-'moho ea lapeng
Tšebelisano-'moho ea lapeng

  • E fetileng:
  • E 'ngoe:

  • Ngola molaetsa wa hao mona mme o re romele wona